Graduate School of Sungkyunkwan University and
Hanyang University, Doctor of Science (Visual Communication Design majors)
(International conference, exhibition design) overall main responsibility events of "2008 pairs of designer women" (Ministry of Knowledge Economy)
Design advisory committee in the field of exhibition and experience of comprehensive occupational Experience Center (Department of Labor)
Design advisory committee of the 2012 Yeosu World Expo Organizing Committee
Korea Industrial Technology Assessment and Management Institute director
Korea Federation of Design Associations Vice Chairman
South Korea Industrial Design Exhibition designer recommended
Korea Institute of Design Promotion Council
Members of the Korea design Dispute Coordinating Committee (Korea Institute of Design Promotion)
Excellent Product Selection Jury of (PPS)
Standing counsel (leadership network of women designer) WDLNet
Trend Society vice president of the Korea design
Research Areas
Visual symbol design, illustration, design of Korea (pattern)
Design Research illustration, illustration studio, illustrations phase theory, visual symbol
Selected Publications
- Typography study of Hangul ( Master's thesis)
- Study of modeling of Korea鸟纹( Hanyang University )
- Studies on the door of the sun symbol of Korea as a visual symbol ( doctoral dissertation )
- Ancient pattern of Korean Modern Symbol - mark Emmy affinity effect
( Mainly symbolic mark of the sun ) and / Visual Design Institute
- Studies on the table现样expression Graffiti Illustration
( At the center of the graffiti ) and / Korea illustration Art Association)
- Illustration of the new media age ( Korea Illustration Art Association)
- Study of a prototype of the shaped principle shown in a climate manner Korea (Information Science of Design / 2012 )
- Around a storytelling culture - study of character design for the improvement of regional image -
(Information Science of Design / 2012 )
- The study of the relationship of good faith and Korean culture South Korea basis ( Korea Information Science of Design / 2012 )
- To focus on comparative analysis of ‧ ‧ in date that you - Analysis and application for applying to the design of folk mythology -
( Korea Information Science of Design / 2012 )
- As tradition , the possibility of design development and storytelling of " demon " ( Korea Information Science of Design / 2013 )
- A Study on the Visual Expression of China with Respect to Sun Worship: Focused on Bird
Images ( Korea Society for the Science of Design / 2014 )
Journal Papers
◾ 고려시대 불교미술(佛敎美術)에 나타난 동물 이미지에 대한 도상학적 해석 연구, Journal of Basic Design & Art, vol.20 No.5 pp.69~84, 2019노미선
Conference Papers
- (Hall of Fame Museum in 2012 Hangaram / art sun of Korea) 46th Korea art Hyopufejon
-ASIA SPRIT2012 100 anniversary Memorial / Korea & China (Seoul University of Science and Technology
Industry-Unuversity Collaboration)
Regular transfected won John -2012 woman designer leadership network
(1st floor exhibition hall / Seoul Design Support Center to a traditional design, the future)
- International Exhibition of culture of Asia (China Suzhou University Exhibition Center)
(University ScienceMalaysia, School of Art Gallery) -2013 University Science Malaysia International Exhibition invitation
- Exchange of war Seoul University of Science and Technology ‧ Grand Valley State University professor (University of Science and Technology, Seoul Museum of Art)
Suburbs :
-2009.06 ~ 09 Seoul Design Olympiad (SDO) Guide Map production
Activation scheme research " Chief Supervisor of the design industry of -2010.05 to 08 " South Korea ( Ministry of Knowledge Economy Policy Research )
-2011.12 . "Design agency activation scheme study of South Korea "
( Study of ecosystem construction scheme of Korea Design Associations Federation / futuristic design )
School :
Support of university business major - 2011.05 -2010.12 advanced undergraduate education (ACE) TF participants Researchers
Study participants researchers expansion and development scheme through institutional strengthening of -2011.09.01 ~ 11.30 industry-university cooperation Orchestra
-2011.09.01 ~ 12.30 industry-university cooperation leading University (LINC) training business promotion TF participants Researchers
Study principal investigator of student government activities -2012.02.29 04.29 - University of Art and Design ( Seoul University of Science and Technology, University of Art and Design )
Study principal investigator of student government activities -2012 University of Art and Design ( Seoul University of Science and Technology, University of Art and Design )
-SVA multiple studies degree course characterization business ( International Headquarters / Gifekucho )
◾ 2019 Korea Traditional Costume Origami_춘앵전무복 외, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.노미선
◾ Korea Traditional Costume Origami 2018-면복 외 작품, 산학협력단, 2018.04.~2019.03.노미선
◾ 2020Korea Traditional Costume Origami_Buchaechum4, 제35회 한국일러스트레이션학회 정기회원전, (사)한국일러스트레이션학회, 2020노미선
◾ Exhibition of Korea Traditional Costume Origami Poster, 제55회 대한민국디자인전람회(초대), 한국디자인진흥원(KIDP), 2020노미선
◾ 2020Korea Traditional Costume Origami_면복2, 2020한국기초조형학회 추계국제초대작품전, (사)한국기초조형학회, 2020노미선
◾ 2020Korea Traditional Costume Origami_2020면복과 적의1, 2020국제디자인트렌드초대작품전, (사)한국디자인트렌드학회, 2020노미선
◾ 2020 Korea Traditional Costume Origami_Myeonbok 1, 2020 KSDS International Fall Invitational Exhibition, (사)한국디자인학회, 2020노미선
◾ 2020Korea Traditional Dance Costume Origami, 2020한국기초조형학회 인사아트센터 국제특별전, (사)한국기초조형학회, 2020노미선
◾ 2020Korea Traditional Costume Origami_Buchaechum5, 2020한국기초조형학회 베이징 국제초대작품전, (사)한국기초조형학회, 2020노미선
◾ 2020 Korea Traditional Costume Origami_Buchaechum2, 2020(사)한국기초조형학회 춘계국제초대작품전, (사)한국기초조형학회, 2020노미선
◾ 2020Korea Traditional Costume Origami_Buchaechum1, 예술과 삶, KSBDA 국제특별전, (사)한국기초조형학회, 2020노미선
◾ 2020 Korea Traditional Costume Origami_Buchaechumbok3, 2020 KSDS International Spring Invitational Exhibition, (사)한국디자인학회, 2020노미선
◾ 2019Korea Traditional Costume Origami_부채춤1, 2019 국제디자인트렌드초대전, (사)한국디자인트렌드학회, 2019노미선
◾ 2019 Korea Traditional Costume Origami_춘앵전무복5, 2019 한국디자인학회 가을 국제초대전, (사)한국디자인학회, 2019노미선
◾ 2019Korea Traditional Costume Origami_춘앵전무복3, 제54회 대한민국 디자인전람회(초대) , 한국디자인진흥원(KIDP), 2019노미선
◾ 2019Korea Traditional Costume Origami_춘앵전무복4, 2019년도 조형대학 교수 작품전, 서울과학기술대학교 조형대학, 2019노미선
◾ 2019 Korea Traditional Costume Origami_춘앵전무복2, 2019 (사)한국기초조형학회 모스크바국제초대작품전, (사)한국기초조형학회, 2019노미선
◾ 2019 Korea Traditional Costume Origami_춘앵전무복1, 2019 (사)한국기초조형학회 미국 퍼듀대학교국제초대작품전, (사)한국기초조형학회, 2019노미선
◾ 2019Korea Traditional Costume Origami_승무복2, 2019국제디자인초대전, (사)한국디자인트렌드학회, 2019노미선
◾ 2019 Korea Traditional Costume Origami _ 승무복1, 2019한국디자인학회 봄 국제초대전, (사)한국디자인학회, 2019노미선
- South Korea design trend Society vice-president
- Korean culture Society for the Science of Design Director
- Korea Society for the Science of Design, South Korea Art Association, South Korea illustration Society member