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제목 [전체대학원]Notice on the Mandatory Research Ethics Education for Master's and Doctoral Thesis Submission
작성자 제4행정실 조회수 23 날짜 2025-03-25
  • Notice on the Mandatory Research Ethics Education for Master's and Doctoral Thesis Submission.hwp

Notice on the Mandatory Research Ethics Education for Master's and Doctoral Thesis Submission


Starting from the 2017 academic year, students wishing to submit their Master's or Doctoral thesis must complete research ethics education.

Please prefer to the following guidelines regarding the completion of the research ethics education. Students wishing to be granted thesis submission eligibility must register the completion certificate of the research ethics education in accordance with specified procedure.


1. Purpose of the Education

- Understanding the research ethics that must be followed during the research process and the presentation of research results.

- Prevention of research ethics issues such as falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, improper authorship, and duplicate publication

- Research Ethics Education is mandatory for thesis submission eligibility (for students who enrolled in 2017 and later)


2. Who needs to take the course: Current graduate student and graduates

- Students admitted from the 2017 academic year (starting from the class of 2017): Completion of research ethics education is mandatory.

- Students admitted before the 2016 academic year: Optional (Recommended)


3. Course Content

- The Importance of Research Ethics, Cases of Research Misconduct, and the Social Responsibility of Researchers


4. Course Registration Guide (Online Course)

- Access the Korea Institute of Human Resources Development in Science and Technology(KIRD) Educational Portal http://alpha-campus.kr)

- Sign up and apply for the course

   ○ Sign Up → Log In → Click the question march at the top right of the screen → Search for Research Ethics for Graduate Students → Apply for the course →            Take the course → Receive the certificate after completing the course

- Application Period : From the 1st to the last day of the month (Courses start every month)

- Learning Period : From the 1st to the last day of the month/ 1 month

- Learning Support Center Contact : 1588-5834


5. How to Submit the Completion Certificate (Must Register the Certificate in the Integrated information System)

  ○ Log in to the Integrated Information System→Go to Academic→Graduation→Register the completion certificate at the Certificate Registration_Research         Ethics Education(KIRD)


담당부서 : 제4행정실
전화번호 : 02-970-6795
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